February 15, 2012

Signs Of Spring

Last week I stumbled upon these cherry blossom trees with tiny blooms. The first sign of spring, and so pretty!

Also, I received a Liebster blog award this week! Thank you so much Amber Dawn of Happy Wife!

Apparently liebster means 'beloved, dearest or favorite' in German. So lovely :) So the next step is I nominate 3 people to pass the award on to.

Make sure you check them out!

Danielle of Denj
Katya of This Time is a Charm
Jacquelyn of Lark and Linen

How it works:
- link back to the blogger who nominated you
- copy and paste the award to your blog
- nominate 3 blogs that you'd like to award to, and help them build their following!



  1. Oh dear I can't avoid to follow you! Your blog is so cute and your pictures are so awesome! What lens do you use?

  2. Those cherry blossoms are so gorgeous!

  3. Thanks Paula! I use a 50mm 1.4 xo

  4. These make me long for spring so intensely! They are absolutely BEAUTIFUL

    And thank you for linking to me :) I'm honoured

  5. One thing I miss the most about home. The prettiest thing about west coast spring.
